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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Discovery Channel

Discovery Channel in the UK contacted us this week. They want more video for a Televison Series called Trawlers, Ships and Rescues. They have some part of the story where we refused to be towed in by the Royal National Life Boat in a storm off Yarmouth England.

We had asked for directions to the nearest harbor and they offered to show us in, but when they saw the boat they insisted that they tow us through the storm. We refused to be towed. They continued insisting, we continued to refuse. Finally, the Coast Guard Explained to them that we came all the way from Florida. They then showed us in. We did not know Discovery Channel was on the boat.

They filmed us coming in both from the vessel and from shore. The shore video I understand is pretty cool. It shows this large rescue vessel being tossed around and this tiny flats boat coming on through the storm.

Go Intruder Flats Boats!

I wanted to let you know that I am accepting speaking engagements on behalf of the DO MORE Campaign. I expect to get my travel expenses and I have to have the ability to promote the Do More Shirts.

Also, the boat was scheduled to arrive today. We currently do not have the funds to get it out. We still need to pay for shipping expenses. $5,700 plus an additional $300 in miscellaneous expenses. There ought to be a corporation who wants a lot of brownie points with the military for helping with the I AM SECOND Wounded Hero Voyage.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why The Trip

Hi Again,

Bob and I are back home in Florida after crossing the Atlantic Ocean in the smallest powerboat to ever make the crossing in human history. Bob is fast at work writing his book on the voyage and working his house painting business. I am continuing the Do More Campaign and working on Dream Boats, Inc.

I made the trip for three reasons,

The first one is a private reason, I will keep it private.

Two, to fulfill a 29 year old promise I made to God and to Sgt John Harvey, Cpl George Holmes, and SSgt Dewey Johnson the day after they were killed in Operation Eagle Claw. I was told I would be going to Iran to take back the Embassy. I did not go. They went they died. While I made the promise to the three marines it is really to all men and women who put on a uniform to protect others.

It is our goal to help wounded hero foundations in their names and to make sure their names are not forgotten. At this moment in time, more than 20 million people have heard their names because of our voyage. That number is still growing. The Do More Campaign is part of this.

Three, I wanted to show off my boats. We developed these boats that can operate in extremely shallow water and still be strong enough to cross the Atlantic Ocean. I did this to hopefully find some investors as well as to show the world the boat. There are several magazines articles coming out in November and December issues about our voyage.

I spoke at our church last night and am speaking for several VFW, Marine Corps League, and Rotary Club meetings as well as we are hoping for a national talk show like Oprah to promote the Do More Campaign.

I wanted to let each person who expressed an interest in our voyage know that we are looking for Investors for Dream Boats. Most people don’t realize how much money is involved in the boating industry or how big a deal the shallow draft and high seas stability will be once we get into production. I don’t know of another boat sold at any price that can run as shallow and still be stable in heavy seas.

My long term growth plans for the company indicate that ownership of Dream Boats stock could become a very precious possession. With a major portion of my share of the profits I want to build the Kristy Brown Memorial Hospital in Honduras.

Please don’t feel pressured to do anything. This is just an opportunity.

If this is something you would like more information on please let me know.

Ralph Brown

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Public Presentation

I will be showing pictures and telling the story at Northcliffe Baptist Church tonight, Sunday, October 18, at 6 pm. I hope you can join us.

Northcliffe Baptist church is on Northcliffe Blvd. Betewwn US 19 and Mariner Blvd.
Spring Hill is about 35 miles North of Tampa.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

NBC news special

The following television news report ran in the Tampa and Orlando Markets,

If you saw it somewhere else please let us know at

You should be able to press CTRL and click on it at the same time, if that does not work copy and paste it in your address place.

This is a pretty good video to get our message out.


Monday, October 5, 2009

7000 miles: Search and Rescue

This is the video taken by Her Majesty's Search and Rescue between the Shetland Islands and the Orkney Islands. We were about 40 miles from shore when this was taken. Notice the flag. The waves were still building and a few minutes later these waves got a little bigger.

Please forgive me, I pulled the recording while I made some language adjustments.

If you have not joined our team, the Do More than just say thanks to wounded heroes and families left behind team, please do. Get a shirt, wear it on Fridays, try to get your friends to join our team. We are still looking to sign up 150,000 as part of our team.

Bob and I did our part, most of the readers of this blog already stepped up and joined the team, what about you?

You can join the team at

Friday, October 2, 2009

internet radio interview

Internet Radio Interview Today Friday October 2, 12 pm

You GOT to hear this story……………………….
or listen to the replay at any time afterwards.

You can listen to the true story of Ralph and Bob Brown who crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a
Flats Boat,

You got to see this boat, it has no cabin, no keel, no sail, no autopilot, no escort, and they had to carry their own fuel.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Search and rescue video

Yes, we have the search and rescue video and will upload it tomorrow I think. We have to have it in a usable format.

It is pretty cool to see our boat shooting right along in ten to twelve foot seas. Pretty cool.



I don't have to look as old as I am. Don't laugh you will be old too one day.
I plan to stay young at heart.
