The German Cruise ship is gone. We pull around to get gas, benzine. It is very shallow. The hose is very, very, very slow. I have a satellite phone call to make. Bob is working on his book. I move to get a better signal. I do my radio Interview.
When I come back, I look down. Bob is working on his book, and the tide has gone out. We are high and dry. That gas pump was so slow we put it on lock and did other things, now we are stuck and have to wait for high tide.
A few women come to clean a seal next to us. Wow, how cool is that. One speaks English. We have time to kill and ask for internet access. She takes us to one house. They don't speak English.
They call their daughter in the big city to translate. She is a journalist for the Greenland televison and radio station. In a town of 50, almost no one speaks English. The slow pump, the satelite phone call, the tide dropping very fast, we are stuck, we are forced to take time. The one who speaks English takes us to the parents of the journalist, not for the journalist's purpose, but for the internet. They don't speak English, they call their daughter, the journalist in the big city.
What are the odds? Our story needs to get out.
Got to get those toes and fingers warm. YOu don't want to be left with frost bite. Surely someone where you are can let you warm up by the fire.
Hide and dry, glad you are using a flat bottom boat.
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