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Monday, November 29, 2010

Global Wounded Hero Race

Our last voyage was an incredible success in reaching our goal of crossing the Atlantic in a flats boat. We endured 11 days in major storms, running our of money, fuel problems, and much more. We, however, did not come close to raising $3 million dollars like we planned.

As a result I am trying to learn from our failures and do it again, only not across the Atlantic but around the World. This has so many different advantages that we did not have the first time. At this time we are calling it the Global Wounded Hero Race.

I am seeking a $450,000 partner who would like to sit in the winners circle on the World Stage. We could structure this in many different ways: a loan, an investment, or simply a 501(C)(3) donation. We are willing to pay a success fee of $45,000 to someone who could introduce us the the right partner.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Michael DiCarlo produces a movie trailer.

The film producer Michael DiCarlo has produced at movie trailer, about the Cross The Atlantic, I AM Second Wounded Hero Voyage.

He did a fantastic job. It really looks good. You will love it.

It would be a great help to us if after you viewed the trailer, you passed it on to your friends.



Saturday, August 21, 2010

Global Race to honor Heroes

The below boat trip was sponsored by Norm Miller’s group called I AM SECOND. During our voyage their web site went over one million visitors.
The boat is the smallest powerboat to ever cross the Atlantic Ocean. It received hundreds and hundreds of news articles all over the world. The below article came out of Yacht Magazine, in China. The boat has been requested by a Museum.

We are in the process of planning to break the record for the fastest powerboat to circumnavigate the globe. We are looking to name the vessel in honor of who ever provides the capital to make it happen. We are looking for $350,000 to get Dream Boats Global Started. In addition to getting 10% of Dream Boats Global we will name the 33 ft version after this person. We expect it to get ten times the publicity the Intruder 21 got and to end up in a museum.

The current record belongs to the New Zealand built Andy Gil, formerly known as Earthrace. It is about time to improve the technology and to break the record at a fraction of the cost or carbon foot print as the Andy Gil. The publicity will be used to raise funds for Heroes Foundation.

Contact Ralph Brown 352-346-2365

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Still in the news

Believe it or not, we are still in the news

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Last Vikings...... The Video Highlights

These are the high lights from Bob's Camera
We have a lot of video left
Hopefully we will find a way to make this into a mini series or a movie.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Less than two weeks to the Miami Boat Show

We are less than two weeks away from the Miami Boat Show. We want to keep the I Am SECOND Wounded Hero momentum going. Bob has been working night and day at getting some of this video in a usable format.

Eventually, Lord Willing, we will find someone to finance a movie or a mini series video. We are a long way from achieveing the goal of $3M for wounded hero foundations.

It is amazing at all the great kindness and help we have seen starting from Norm Miller with Interstate Battery and the I AM Second team all the way to the little boy in Canada that donated his few dollars, with his parents permission. It just melts your heart. Especially when you look at all the donated time and effort that went into the voyage.

This morning at a prayer meeting. I was asked by Vic, if I would be willing to take the I AM Second and tow a small foam house to Hati. This house is afoam home with a special coating that makes it super strong. These homes could be suppiled to Hati very inespensively.

Vic and his father Vince have been asking for prayer for a school project in Hati long before the earthquake. Vic is not the guy that builds these homes.

He thinks that it would generate a lot of publicity and possibly find someone to invest in the idea and help a lot of Hatians.

I told the guy I would look into it. I did. It is very doable, however, it will cost about $15,000 to go there and back includding towing the boat.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Miami Boat Show

Miami Boat Show
We will be taking the I AM Second to the Miami Boat Show to show the world the smallest boat to ever cross the Atlantic, February 11-15. With the millions of things to do getting ready for the Miami Boat Show time is more precious than diamonds.

We are comming up on the 30th anniversary of the crash that ended Operation Eagle Claw. As that time approaches I can reflect on how great it is to be a part of an orginization that is not afraid to try.

The greatest failure is the failure to try. Even though eight men gave their lives that day, the mission appeared to be a failure but it was not. Eight men were a part of a group that was willing to go into harms way even when the odds were astronomically against them, they were willing to try.