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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Miami Boat Show

Miami Boat Show
We will be taking the I AM Second to the Miami Boat Show to show the world the smallest boat to ever cross the Atlantic, February 11-15. With the millions of things to do getting ready for the Miami Boat Show time is more precious than diamonds.

We are comming up on the 30th anniversary of the crash that ended Operation Eagle Claw. As that time approaches I can reflect on how great it is to be a part of an orginization that is not afraid to try.

The greatest failure is the failure to try. Even though eight men gave their lives that day, the mission appeared to be a failure but it was not. Eight men were a part of a group that was willing to go into harms way even when the odds were astronomically against them, they were willing to try.


  1. Bob is going to be there too. He will be bringing some of his Bermuda Book to sell. Ralph and Bob will be glad to sign them. $15.00

  2. The 2nd edit of their documentary of their Atlantic crossing will be set up on a small TV for previews and comments. We need suggestions for a Title. Bob
